Ukraine Calls for 100,000 Men

Ben Bramblett, Staff Writer

Pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine are asking to gain 100,000 men in support of their rebellion against Russia. Leader Alexander Zakharchenko called upon the Ukrainian Military, after about seven mortar fire battles from 31 January 2015, to 1 February 2015, to give him soldiers for his efforts against the Russian military. Zakharchenko said in an interview with BBC News that “This is the reserve which will guarantee us an ability to withstand any attack, and in case of success, to develop a counter-attack,” Rebels are also being accused of firing a mortar attack on a south-eastern Ukrainian port city of Mariupol, Ukraine, which killed ten civilians. Truces between Russia and Ukraine ended when rebel negotiators failed to arrive. In the end, the ability for rebel forces to increase in size is still unclear. However, mobilization is almost certain to occur.