Tips for a Healthy School Year

This is an example of a meal plan a student could make for themselves for the school lunch. This meal plan has a healthy base, and is quite affordable, the total cost for making these 5 meals was $28.98. Everyone has the ability to change and make a healthy living for themselves.

This is an example of a meal plan a student could make for themselves for the school lunch. This meal plan has a healthy base, and is quite affordable, the total cost for making these 5 meals was $28.98. Everyone has the ability to change and make a healthy living for themselves.

Kayla Salemi, Staff Writer

As the school year kicks in, students are beginning to slack on their own health due to all these tests and projects swarming in at once. Although school is very important, one’s health is extremely more vital to one’s life. Below are tips and need to know information on maintaining a healthy lifestyle:


Get active daily: During the summer time, most teenagers can be found wandering around their neighborhoods or hanging out with friends in a public setting walking around and talking, but now that school is in session teenagers are becoming lazier and tends to just sleep all the time. Here are a few ways that one can start becoming more active in their community:


  • Run a race for charity
  • Go to the local dog shelter and walk dogs for free
  • Start playing a sport for your school
  • Sign up to your local gym, or request physical Education/ P.E. as one of your electives
  • Go for a bicycle ride in the park


Sleep rationally: Sleep is food for the brain. Although sleep is good, there is such thing as over sleeping, and that is something to be aware of. Teenagers only need 7-8 hours of sleep.


Drink More! Water that is: Water is the key to a healthy body. Everyone needs water because it has a myriad of benefits such as: clearing acne, promoting healthy kidneys, promoting healthy skin and hair, cleansing the body of dangerous toxins, etc. The number one reason people don’t drink water is because they do not like the taste. So a tip for those people is try to flavor that water with natural flavors such as cucumbers, mint, lemon, and other ingredients.


Do not skip breakfast: Breakfast is proven to be the most important meal of the day, but yet so many people skip it. Many teenagers use the excuse that they don’t have any time in the morning to make breakfast, but even a simple banana or apple will suffice. Breakfast is what kick of the day, and skipping it will only hurt yourself in the health aspect.


Do not forget to pack the lunch: Below there will be two lunch ideas that are quick, easy and healthy to make.


  1. Chicken Quesadilla: Use pre-cooked chicken and slice it up. Grab a soft taco and some cheese, place these in a pan on top of stove until the cheese is melted in the middle. Add an apple or some other healthy snack along with it.
  2. Cold- cut sandwich: Pick any type of cold-cut meat and cheese, and place on a warm wheat bread. Pair with some almonds or carrots, for a healthy meal.


Avoid fast food: Do you really want to spend your hard earned money on food that will not keep you full, but just cause you to gain unnecessary fat? These fast food places take meat from multiple animals, and different body parts of said animal. When about to buy something like McDonald’s or Wendy’s just think about this: what you could have possible of eaten at home – for free may I add.


Just because the school year is starting up, does not mean teenagers should stop being healthy. School should not be a distraction or an excuse to teenagers to not be healthy. Health is a key importance to one’s life and should not be taken lightly. These tips will ensure that teenagers will be healthy this school year, and be able to thrive for great things.