Ella Hill and Will Riley Crowned 2020-2021 Homecoming King and Queen

During halftime of the Homecoming game in Raider Valley on Friday, Oct. 30, seniors Ella Hill and Will Riley were crowned king and queen for the 2020-2021 school year. Carmella Santoriello and Connor Sosebee were also crowned as the first runner up couple. Photo courtesy of NFHS.
During halftime of the Homecoming game in Raider Valley on Friday, Oct. 30, seniors Ella Hill and Will Riley were announced king and queen for the 2020-2021 school year. Carmella Santoriello and Connor Sosebee were also crowned as the first runner up couple. Ava Droze was crowned freshman princess, Angela Owusu was crowned sophomore princess, and Ava Carroll was crowned junior princess.
Ella Hill is very involved with Young Life, she is a Wyldlife life middle school leader, and serves in Upstreet at Browns Bridge Church. She is also on the NFHS Carpe Diem Yearbook Staff. When Ella found out she had won, she said, “…I felt all the emotions! There’s no way to describe the overwhelming amount of love I felt in that moment.” Ella was on the court her freshman year and she said, “It’s really special to have been able to start and end my high school career having that opportunity.” Ella did not expect to win, she expressed, “Being on the field with my friends was such a gift anyways I didn’t expect anything more!” Her favorite part of the whole night was being with some of her close friends and seeing her family. She thought the experience was really special because “a lot of the other people representing North were serving in the community, such as in their churches or with young life, and had big plans to accomplish great things after high school.” Ella said “the night overall was beyond amazing and I will always cherish being a part of Raider Nation!” Lastly, Ella said, “I want to make it known that I truly don’t have any of the glory, but God does!”
Will Riley is class president, Student Council president and president of the School Culture Council. He is also a Raider Commander, captain of the swim team and a member of BETA club. He is a Wyldlife small group leader and part of the Young Life leadership team. Riley said he was “very surprised and thankful because there are so many amazing people on the court who had a great chance of winning.” He said, “My favorite part [of the homecoming night] was the group picture afterwards with the king, queen and the runner up couple.”
The senior court couples are Kennedy Christensen and Jack Duckwall, Emma Englishby and Alex Ferreria, Carmella Santoriello and Casen Blackburn, Milena Costa and Will Riley and Ella Hill and Connor Sosebee.
The Freshman court members were Ava Droze, Addison Peck, Lily Torrence and Harley Wood. The Sophomore court members are Mary Caroline Brooks, Blakely Granade, Angela Owusu and Gracie Runion. Junior court members are Ava Carroll, Gracie Hendrixson, Bailey Hilliard and Ali Jones.
Congratulations to the 2020-2021 North Forsyth Homecoming King and Queen, the first runner up couple, each of the grade level princesses, as well as the rest of the runner ups!

Hey everyone! My name is Elizabeth Wood and I am a senior at North Forsyth High School this year! I am beginning my fourth and final year as a member of...