Goodbye– the Raider Wire’s Class of 2022 Seniors
As graduation approaches, Cynda, Brodie, and I are reminiscing on our fondest high school memories. We are eager to toss our caps in the air and start a new chapter of our lives. Photo from Carteret Community College.
Senior year went by so fast. Of course, that’s what everyone says, but there’s truth to the saying nonetheless. April 29 marked our last day of high school before AP exam week and senior finals on May 2-May 13. This month, we’ll post our last articles ever on the Raider Wire. Graduation will soon come, and we’ll be walking across the stage, shaking hands with administrators and receiving our diplomas.
After North, we three seniors will be going separate ways: Cynda will be attending the University of North Georgia, Brodie will be attending Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College and myself, the University of Pennsylvania. It’s surreal to see North change through our four years–from Instructional Focus (IF) to Raider Time (RT), from the Media Center to the Hub and from another lunch line to the Raider Café.
As our school changed, we have too. We’ve grown from unsure freshmen in a huge high school to independent seniors who are growing adults, confident drivers, etc. We’ve become more resilient–determined to learn and participate in clubs through a global pandemic. Whatever the case, these four years have been a journey that’s unique to each and every one of us.
Where do I even start? The amount of memories I’ve made here at North Forsyth High School are plentiful, and it’s hard to only highlight a few.
Friday nights in Raider Valley were what I looked forward to every week. I loved finding a way to style a cutoff t-shirt for every theme. One memory I will never forget is Will Peltz nailing a field goal as time expired to beat West on my senior homecoming. The chaos that ensued was unreal.
The annual pilgrimage the golf team made to Jekyll Island the first weekend of March was so much fun each year we went. The football games we played (and I dominated) on the beach allowed me to relax and forget about all the worries I had back home. This season’s round made up for the terrible weather last year. Shooting a career-low 74 in 80-degree weather at Jekyll Island will be a great memory to think back on in a few years.
How about the championships I’ve seen my teams win this year? The Braves won a World Series against all odds and plowed right through the teams I hate most: the Dodgers and the Astros. That was nothing compared to the emotion I felt when Georgia won the national championship. I have experienced so much anguish, mostly because of Alabama, throughout my high school years. I remember the days coming back to school after Georgia came up short against the tide time after time. My parents wouldn’t let me stay home, so I would not talk to anyone. The Tuesday after Georgia won the national championship, I was very tired because I stayed out until three in the morning buying gear, but seeing the red and black flooding the halls created a joy like I’ve never felt. Us Georgia fans finally had something to be proud of.
What I’m going to miss most about this school is seeing the faces of the many friends I’ve made over the years. It’s starting to dawn on me that this will be the last time I could see people I’ve known my entire childhood and grown up with. I am saddened to know that I am getting to the point where my parents wonder where some of the kids they went to high school ended up.
I want my last memory as a Raider to be me and my friends, Dax Isbell and Jackson Weaver, walking off the golf course together one last time at state. We have a chance to get there next week.
I am grateful for the friends, memories and relationships I have built throughout my four years at North. While I am excited to start a new chapter of my life at Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College in Tifton, Georgia, it’s bittersweet to say goodbye. I am leaving behind the people and community I have grown up with.
The best piece of advice I can give rising seniors is to enjoy your senior year. Go to the football games even if it’s rainy. You’re going to look back and regret not going to them because when they’re over, it hits you. Hang out with your friends while you have the chance. You’re going to wish you had more time with your best friends before all splitting off and living hours apart. Live life to the fullest because this is your last year to enjoy being a kid and have the freedom of being in high school.
I remember moving here my freshman year and being so nervous about coming to a new county. Although I was reserved and quiet, I managed to get involved in new clubs and extracurriculars as a sophomore and junior. Performing in Choir and Drama helped me “get out of my shell” freshman year, which propelled me to start the Debate Team during my sophomore and junior years. Being a Junior Varsity member of our school’s Academic Team for two years made me realize the value of being a team player. Joining the Student Council and then becoming a Raider Commander pushed me to become a student leader. Switching from Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) to Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) made me realize my passions laid in business, not medicine.
Throughout these changes as an underclassman, I eventually settled on FBLA, Debate, Raider Commanders and Journalism. Interestingly, I joined FBLA at my family’s insistence (notably my sister’s as she completed North’s Computer Science and Web Development pathways). Exploring my interests in FBLA came from competing in Journalism, Banking & Financial Systems, International Business and other events. Most importantly, FBLA taught me the values of persistence (especially with my virtual “trip” to Nationals) and collaboration (prepping for monthly meetings during Raider Time, shopping for “Rush’s Raffle” gifts after school, preparing materials for Regionals and State, etc). Despite being unable to attend any in-person conferences since sophomore year, I still cherish the fun I had at FBLA’s 2019 Fall Rally and Fall Leadership Conferences. This year, missing a day of school for FBLA’s 2021 *Virtual* Fall Rally in the eSports classroom was definitely worth it, though.
Sophomore and junior year, I was heavily involved in the Debate Team. Sophomore year, I loved traveling to Gainesville, Alpharetta, Johns Creek and other places for these recurring competitions. Junior year, I enjoyed coming on campus once or twice a month for our meetings. The preparation may have been tedious, but the thrill of the rounds was worth it. As for Raider Commanders, I got a referral (from which teacher–who knows?) and bam! An application and interview later, I became a Raider Commander during my junior and senior years. Sure, it was a bit difficult relating to freshmen being a virtual student, but I tried my best. Senior year, I enjoyed being involved in Raider Rush, Rise Up Raider and Raider Commander interviews.
Journalism! Don’t worry, I didn’t forget. To be honest, I was bummed when I realized that I couldn’t be on staff for my junior year (being virtual and all). However, I tend to look back on my Journalism memories and smile: the monthly class parties during freshman and sophomore year, our annual Thanksgiving parties, and the Christmas Secret Santa parties. Switching from being the Features Editor (sophomore year) to Opinion Editor (senior year) was a soft, but necessary transition for me. Besides having parties and being an editor, I enjoyed the chill time and creativity we had in this class. This year, talking to Kiera and my other classmates made each class unique. As for our literary magazine, I’m amazed by the “In Time” theme and so proud that we’ve made a print edition for the first time in what? Two years? Absolutely insane (in the greatest way).
However, I took a backseat to North’s clubs and liveliness when the pandemic began. I decided to take courses online through Forsyth Virtual Academy as a fully asynchronous virtual student. Let me tell ya–that was difficult. AP Biology and AP Calculus AB became my hardest AP classes ever… especially due to the lack of in-person instruction. To pass more time, I took Dual Enrollment (DE) courses ranging from DE World Literature to DE Global Issues. The more political science courses I took, the more interested I became in languages (Spanish and Mandarin Chinese), and the more involved I was in FBLA, the more I realized that I was interested in international business.
When I returned back to North in person, I was in for an unexpected, yet appreciated shock. Daily schedules were shifted from block to regular; COVID-19 restrictions were a little laxer. However, I appreciated the support from my teachers and administrators this year–and in the past–more than ever. Ranging from my club advisors to my recommenders to my counselors to my Spanish teachers and others, I appreciate their support in my high school journey; everyone played a key role that won’t be taken for granted.
Besides the academics, I returned back to FBLA, Journalism (after missing out junior year) and Raider Commanders. Each organization went through tremendous growth (e.g. FBLA growing in membership and Journalism making an amazing print literary magazine) that I’m so grateful to be a part of. Next fall, I’ll be headed up north to the University of Pennsylvania for their Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business. Being involved in North’s academics and extracurriculars has truly been a part of the foundation for my growth and involvement as a Raider–and has made my high school experience.
High school was a blur. It is hard to believe this is it. Throughout my time here at North, I have made some of the best memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life. These memories would not have been possible without my involvement in Science Ambassadors, Peer Facilitation and the Raider Wire.
When Mrs. Stevens approached me at the end of my freshman year asking if I would be interested in joining Science Ambassadors, I was ecstatic. I was a strong student in science and had always wanted to be a part of an organization that makes a difference in the younger generations’ lives. We would be paired into groups to create a fun science-related activity that we would use at local elementary schools’ science nights. Seeing the impact I made on other students’ interest in science was astonishing. Their enthusiasm and support from their parents made coming back each year worth it. It was a blast getting to know everyone in the club and meeting my new group members each year.
At the end of my sophomore year, I decided to sit down with my counselor, Mr. Cannon, to discuss the courses I should take in the upcoming school year. I had an extra space to fill in my schedule, and he recommended I take Peer Facilitation. He explained that I would assist the Special Education students for a period. In love with the idea, I signed up for the class, and I am so glad I did!
Spending time with Ms. Ballou’s students left a monumental impact on me and my life. Getting to know each student individually was a blessing. I laughed, cried, danced and sang with them. Venturing out on CBIs or participating in the Special Olympics was a blast. Helping teach lessons and ensuring everyone was being taken care of gave me a sense of purpose. Any chance I could get, I stopped by and visited, whether that be after a test or during school breaks. Peer Facilitation aided in discovering my passion for teaching Special Education. I will carry that passion to UNG as I will be majoring in Special Education. I cannot thank Ms. Ballou, Mr. McMichen (our paraprofessional) or the students enough. I will miss them all terribly, but I will make sure I visit in the upcoming years.
I have been a member of the Raider Wire staff since I was a freshman. And let me tell you, I have enjoyed every second spent here. Over time, I worked my way up the staff hierarchy to become the Editor-in-Chief. Befriending new members and seeing their writing progress each school year is why I have loved my job as an editor so much. From the exciting Secret Santa parties to the hilarious inside jokes, I will miss all aspects of this class. My experience with the Raider Wire was absolutely unforgettable. So, thank you to everyone in the class as well as Mrs. Smith, who taught journalism at North my freshman through junior year, and Ms. Ewing for constantly encouraging me and pushing me to be the best version of myself. You guys made my last year the best!
So… here it ends
Wow, what a story. One high school, three different colleges. Regardless, Cynda, Brodie and I wouldn’t be who we are today without our time here at North Forsyth. So thank you to our administrators, teachers, counselors, classmates, friends–to everyone who’s made our experience at North one of a kind.

Hello! My name is Cassidee Jackson, and I am a senior this year. This is my third and final year in the journalism program. Throughout high school, I have...

Hello! My name is Cynda Allen. I am a senior this year, and this is my fourth & final year writing for the Raider Wire. I love reading, writing,...

Hey y’all! My name is Brodie Mizer, and I am a senior this year. This is my first year in the journalism department. I joined journalism because...