What You Need to Know About the Midterm Elections

Using your vote as your voice.
On Nov. 8, Georgia, along with many other states across the nation, will participate in the midterm elections in which registered voters can vote for a wide range of candidates running for various positions. The prominent positions include the governor and the Georgia representative for the United States Senate.
Running for governor is republican candidate Brian Kemp, democratic candidate Stacey Abrams, and libertarian candidate Shane Hazel. These candidates have been campaigning for office for many months now and have different platforms, including opposing viewpoints voters may have.
On the republican platform, Brian Kemp has compiled years of service for Georgia. Including as State Senator from 2003 to 2007 and governor from 2018 to 2022. According to The Georgia Voter’s Guide, a few of his positions on current hot topics include a reduction in Medicaid benefits, harsh abortion restrictions, support teaching that the United States government is not “systematically racist” and does not believe in harsh gun control policies.
Running for Senate on the republican platform is former University of Georgia football player Herschel Walker. If Walker wins, this will be his first position in the state of Georgia’s government. However, he has formerly worked on the President’s Council of sports, fitness and nutrition under former President Donald Trump. Walker’s platform is similar to Kemp’s in that he does not support the Affordable Healthcare Act, supports a total abortion ban without exceptions, supports small businesses and American Workers and will vote for judges who support the “right to bear arms.”
On the democratic platform, candidate for Governor Stacey Abrams has also compiled many years of service in the government system, including being the State Representative for House District 89, Minority leader in 2010 and is the first woman to lead either party in the Georgia General Assembly. Her positions within her platform are expanding Medicaid to combat the infant and maternal mortality issues, protecting abortion as a part of healthcare, implementing statewide access to childcare and wanting to increase accountability for gun safety.
Current senator Raphael Warnock is running for Senate on the democratic platform. Warnock won the race for Georgia Senate in 2020, becoming the first Black Member of congress to represent the state of Georgia. His platform includes supporting the Affordable Healthcare Act and the expansion of Medicaid, increasing access to safe abortions, supporting investment in teachers in the Georgia Department of Education, and stricter background checks when purchasing guns.
Voting for the Georgia state midterms began with early voting on Oct. 17 and will conclude on Nov. 4; however, the general election day is Nov. 8. Ways to cast a vote include by mail, in person before the election day, or in person on the election day.

Hey! I’m Abby Shoemake and I’m a senior this year. I’m so excited for my first year of journalism and can’t wait for you to read all of our wonderful...