I run.
I can never stop running
My feet ache from the constant beating on the ground
Again and again
I can never change pace
Ridiculed for slowing down
My lungs collapse when I accelerate
I cannot control the sound
I can’t hear it over my mind
My mind is racing
I am racing
Towards what?
Towards the end?
Is the stomping of my feet too loud?
I can’t regulate it
I hate that
I’m tired of running,
But I can’t stop
What would people say
If I simply took a break?
I’m perspiring
My organs are crying for water,
But I cannot stop.
My heart is pounding
I’ve been running for so long
Up and down the hills
The highs
The lows
I run up the hill
Increasing in elevation
Increasing in difficulty
I run
I run
I run
Finally, I reach the top
Excruciation isn’t over
After all of the work
After all of the effort
I still have to keep running
Then I run down
D o w n
It’s much quicker
And more dangerous
I’m exhausted
My feet grow in pounds
Weighing me down
How can I still keep running?
I run, still.
Will I run forever?
I feel as though I will run forever
Again and again
My feet ache
My heart aches
My mind aches
Will I ever reach my destination?
What is my destination?

Hey y’all, I am the Editor-in-chief with my other half, Emma Simmons. This is my last hurrah in Journalism, my fourth and final year. Outside of school,...