2022 State Playoffs’ First Round
On Nov. 11, the first round of state playoffs began with North Forsyth set against Blessed Trinity. Both teams had a 7-3 record throughout the season, equating for an even matchup. The game was close, however North Forsyth reigned the victor and will move forward in the championship.
At the start of the game, the coin toss was won by Blessed Trinity. They chose to receive the ball in the second half, leaving the Raiders to have possession. Less than three minutes after the game began, North scored a touchdown with a field kick after. But by the end of the quarter, Blessed Trinity’s #5, Kieran Davis, and #2, Cole Weaver, both scored touchdowns, with a point after following each.
Leading into the second quarter, the score was 7-14. The only score change was a field goal attempt from North Forsyth. The kick was successful, resulting in an update of 10-14, in Blessed Trinity’s favor.
With less than five minutes left in the third quarter, the Raiders #22, JD Galligan, led the Raiders to the one yard line, allowing them to score a touchdown next play. The touchdown was followed by a successful point after. Galligan’s touchdown was enough to get the lead, ending the quarter with 17-14.
Ending the game, #4 Aiden Ruckh scores a touchdown only 15 seconds into the quarter. The point after is successful, increasing the gap between Blessed Trinity and North Forsyth to 24-14. The Titans attempt to pass the Raiders with a touchdown by #5 Kieran Davis. However, the Raiders get a first down with less than two minutes left, which secures them the win. The game ends with a score of 24-21, favoring North Forsyth.
To celebrate the win. The game was followed by the senior walk. The senior class football players and cheerleaders had an emotional walk as parents lined up to watch as they took their final steps during a home game at Raider Valley
With this win, the Raiders advance to the next round of GHSA State Playoffs. They are set to play against Langston Hughes on Nov. 18, who is currently ranked #20 in the nation.

Hello. I’m Gracie Zimmerman and this is (hopefully) my last year at North. I have been in journalism for zero years and I’m stoked to do extensive...