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The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

Ebola Outbreak-Where Did it Come From?

Maddie Highland, Staff Writer April 30, 2014

More than 120 people in West Africa are suddenly dead. A new strand of Ebola is becoming a more and more common murderer. What is Ebola? Ebola is a virus that causes organs to fail and internal bleeding...

Mixing the original recipe with our own twist, we hope to create an exquisite Puppy Chow recipe that will leave everyone wanting more.

Chowing Down on Puppy Chow!

Rayanne Griffith and Beattie Hoyle April 23, 2014

Who doesn’t love to chow down on puppy chow? Whether it’s an actual puppy or a teenager with a serious sweet tooth, the scrumptious sensation will leave one craving more. One bite simply won’t satisfy...

North Forsyth Bleeds for Charity

Ben Strube, Online and Design Editor March 11, 2014

On Monday, March 10, 2014, the students of North Forsyth began to enter the old gym and sign in for their time slots at the Red Cross blood drive. Arriving in waves split up throughout the normal school...

When people come to visit, many of the volunteers bring some of the kids to the tienda (the store) for some treats. We brought some of the girls for charamuscas while we enjoyed the beautiful day.

The Mission Diaries: Returning to Orphanage Emmanuel

Tara Bailey, Features Editor February 26, 2014

I could tell you so many things. I could tell you that I was the one who changed the lives of all the children in the orphanage in one week, but that would be a lie. I could tell you that I was like Superman:...

Aspiring Chef, Perri Rabbitt cracks an egg to whip up a quick and delicious breakfast, poached eggs on toast, a simple yet perfect way to start out the day.

Pop it ‘n Poach it

Perri Rabbitt, Staff Writer October 28, 2013

Breakfast can be rough and can make a morning full of activities even rougher. You may feel like you have no time as you run around with mismatched socks while brushing your teeth, but stop and make a...

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