Could We Possibly?
Emma Franklin, News Editor|October 30, 2013
See the world before turning 18, and take in the sights of somewhere other than home. Perhaps go one last time to a Disney theme park to relive the last of the childhood nostalgia before growing up.
Participate not only in clubs. Go to homecoming or prom at least once. Go to a football game. Do one day of sprit week. All of those things are able to be done with friends, and a blast.
A job means money and money often means fun. More importantly though, a job also means taking on responsibility. Normally, it is the first taste of responsibility.
Do not be afraid: take initiative. The person you are attracted to out, go on a date with them, and if the date goes well kiss them. It is really that simple.
High school is not the place to find a groom or a bride; it is about finding the people that are going to be in the wedding party. The trick is finding friends to be there forever, the friends to stick with and keep after life has taken its toll.
Find a voice. Voicing an opinion, especially when that opinion is in the minority is one of the hardest things to do, but it is also one of the most rewarding. It will come in handy in the future, so find the courage to say “I disagree.”
Get at least one A in a class, take an AP class, and then apply to a dream school. Respecting a teacher is the key to academic success, and doing well in high school as it looks good when applying to college.
Getting a license and driving a car is the high school dream. Car ownership means that no one can take it. Driving is freedom, and the only rules are the driving laws.
Find a club and join it. High school is not just about academics, it is also a time to be social. Sports and clubs are some of the best way to find people with similar interests. Who knows? It could involve a trophy.
High schoolers have many requirements and even more desires, but there are several activities that every teenager should participate in before they walk across the stage to receive their diploma.

Emma Franklin is an eclectic mess of science, sarcasm, and assorted geekery. Not much can faze after seeing half of the world before she was five. She...