Do North Students Go Black Friday Shopping?

Freshmen Payton Waltman and Anna Grace Turbeville pose for The Raider Wire. Clogston plans on shopping this year, while Palak plans on staying indoors.
December 14, 2016
I asked a total of 20 students, ten boys and ten girls, if they were planning on Black Friday shopping or if they ever had before. Overall, students were evenly split. Six girls said they are planning on going, and four boys say they are planning on going. When asked why she shops, freshman Payton Waltman states, “I love going Black Friday shopping because my mom and I go every year with each other. We just love the sales and all the people!” On the other hand, freshman Anna Grace Turbeville does not go and said, “No one in my family has ever gone, so I never go.”
Overall, most girls of North Forsyth do go Black Friday shopping, and a little less than half of boys go Black Friday shopping. In total, exactly half of the 20 students surveyed are planning on going shopping on this crazy day for sales and Christmas presents.
If you did go Black Friday shopping this year, hopefully you got some good deals!