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The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The student news site of North Forsyth High School

The Raider Wire

The absurd amount of traffic cones right outside a high school, where innocent teenage drivers can fall victim to this atrocity.

What The Government Isn’t Telling You: The Most Dire Issue in the United States Today

Iris Chiofolo and Kinley Waltman March 3, 2025

There is one problem that goes entirely unnoticed in the United States: traffic cones. There are simply too many of them. They crowd streets and block passersby. They fill sidewalks where there isn’t...

“The Yellow Bathroom (200s)”

Students Speak Out on Bathroom Neglect

Sadie Woodard, staff writer October 22, 2024

Roaming the halls of North Forsyth, the most common complaint heard is that of the bathrooms, old, outdated, gross and a necessity. As one student said, “I don’t even feel safe in them.”    If...

The front of North Forsyth High School is a largely populated high school with a few set protocols to protect students and faculty.

Are “Hardening” Locks Necessary?

Marvin Cruz, Staff Writer November 8, 2018

Student safety and school security have always been a big concern, but most security companies began with slow sales towards schools. This changed back in February, after a former student shot and killed...

Even though this picture of razor bladed candy apples is staged, the dangers in real life during Halloween are not.

The Dangers of Halloween are Terror-fying!

Carena Ravenel, Staff Writer October 30, 2018

Remember when you were still young enough to go trick-or-treating without being judged? After you came back home from your quest, your parents would always check your candy to make sure there was nothing...

Have you seen someone race past a bus’s stop sign? Have you? If you think you will not get caught, think again. Buses will now be equipped with cameras on their stop signs to catch the culprits.

County Buses Getting Equipped with Cameras

Ramya Raja, News/Sports Editor March 21, 2018

To better keep the students of the Forsyth County School district safe while boarding/ departing the school bus in the morning or afternoon, there are numerous and various laws in place for regular car...

Syrian Refugees being held behind barbed wire for safety.

More Refugees Coming to America in 2017

Emma Ray, Staff Writer September 23, 2016

As of 2017 the Obama Administration will slowly start letting in more refugees. For over a year this has been a conflict the U.S. have been facing, whether or not let thousands of Refugees ranging...

With hunting season peaking, it is important to practice safety procedures and proper usage of the weaponry. It is also important to keep up to date with all of the new rules and regulations. Hunting should be fun, educational, and safe for everyone who partakes in the popular sport.

Georgia 2015-2016 Hunting Rules and Regulations

Kristin Iler, Staff Writer September 25, 2015

With the beginning of hunting season coming up fast, new rules and regulations are introduced to the eager hunters. It is important to know and follow these rules, because they are strictly enforced by...

Students at North Forsyth may take State Route 369 everyday. Driving is dangerous, and wrecks can be costly; however, we can make travel safer by improving the roads we drive on.

Georgia Traffic on State Route 369

Erin Dickman, Staff Writer April 27, 2015

Each day, cars trudge along State Route 369 in the congested traffic caused by larger trucks and slower vehicles. One of the drivers takes the risk of rescheduling their appointment, and he will have to...

With glowing faces, the kids of the community utilize the fun festivities Student Council provides during Trunk or Treat. Even the student volunteers are enjoying themselves this crisp Halloween evening.

A Safe Alternative for Trick or Treating

Julie Day, Staff Writer November 7, 2014

Trunk or treat is a community event that Mrs. Transu, Mrs. Vreeland, and the Student Council organizes. It provides a safe alternative for kids to trick or treat without going door to door. Instead, kids...

“Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened.” -Anatole France

Second Chance

Maddie Highland, Staff Writer December 2, 2013

Every year, approximately 2.7 million dogs and cats are murdered in U.S. shelters. Some are lucky to live in a no-kill shelter, but sadly most end up in a shelter, where un-adopted animals are exterminated,...

Delaying disease response, whether intentional or not, is hardly a new occurrence, but it is a risky one. Half the battle of disease treatment is responding to an outbreak quickly enough.

Pride, Disease, Information, and You

John Scott, Staff Writer November 18, 2013

Back in 2003, the People’s Republic of China was accused of undercounting severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) cases in Beijing military hospitals and being slow to deal with the growing epidemic....

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