Following with Fellowship
The Leadership team gathers every Wednesday morning to learn and grow in their relationship with Christ as they read the Bible, pray, and reflect together.
The Fellowship of Christian Athletes has started the 2013-2014 school year off on fire for Jesus! FCA is a student-lead ministry with the mission to “have a place where people can find out about Jesus Christ at school,” says Kyle West, a math teacher and FCA club sponsor. FCA is not exclusively for athletes, but also reaches out to the school’s sport teams and encourages all God-given gifts.
The club has 16 student officers, ranging from 9th-12th grade, and has two adult sponsors: Kyle West and Neal Matheson, who are both teachers and coaches at North Forsyth. Each Wednesday morning, the officers and sponsors come together in fellowship and have a Bible study. Afterwards, they finalize their plans for the upcoming Huddle, which is a gathering that takes place every Friday at 7:30 am and is open to anyone in the school who wants to attend. Each huddle is unique but is generally composed of student led praise and worship, a given message or testimony, occasional small groups, and friendly fellowship.
FCA is a great way for Christians and non-Christians to come together and encourage one another to dig and seek Christ throughout their lives. FCA is “a light in the darkness,” says Coach West. The club has provided a place where all students and faculty can come and learn about the truth. FCA not only has a huddle on Fridays, but they also support the school’s athletic teams by serving them, “… like bringing them popsicles or Bibles… which also makes the Word available to them,” explains Coach Matheson.
Attending FCA it is an opportunity to get to know other believers in your school and is also an opening for non-believers to see, explore, and learn for themselves who Jesus Christ is. FCA welcomes all students and teachers to attend! “Everytime I go, I leave there uplifted and strengthened by it,” says Coach Matheson. It is like “when you go and work out to get in shape it helps your body, but this helps your spirit,” says Coach West. Come visit us at FCA on Fridays! “For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.” Mathew 18.20, NIV. Come out on Friday and follow Christ with fellowship with FCA!

Perri Valentine Rabbitt often eats Trix because she is a kid. She lives her life centered around Jesus Christ and strives to be more like Him each and...