Walking by Faith
The cross represents the ultimate sacrifice Jesus paid to free us from sin and death. The cross represents the forgiveness, freedom, and redemption experienced when someone believes in Him. The cross is worn to voice a journey of faith and overwhelming love and with Jesus.
May 5, 2015
Throughout life, there will be trials and doubts and people and events that challenge our views. Life is a journey that is out of our control. Each moment in life, we can make the choice to surrender it to Jesus, the one who knows ALL. If we give him control, then He will do beautiful things, and when we believe that, our eyes can be opened to what He is doing.
When we are disappointed or upset and have no idea what is going to happen, Jesus does. Why don’t we surrender control? Why do we act like we know what is best when we really do not? Something that has stretched my faith the most in my walk with Christ has been when I haven’t known what is going to happen, and I have pushed myself to give the whole situation to my Father instead of worrying or trying to control everything. When I give my concerns or unknowns away, God always, each and every time, without fail, does something unimaginable. So, instead of messing things up and reminding myself how incapable I am, I get to see the hand of God working in my life. I get to witness His hands holding my heart, and I can see Him wanting to shape my heart and pull it closer to His. Every time I give something to God, he takes it and turns ashes into beauty. No, not the beauty I have in my head, better beauty. Much better. It is beauty that was beyond my imagination before he formed it.
I promise. He does this. He is faithful. His love surpasses our understanding. We, sinners, unworthy of his love, get to see what God wants to do in us and in our lives if we would just give Him control. We just have to give Him permission? Trust Him? Yes. When you walk by faith, you are trusting Jesus to hold you up instead of your own feet. Our feet can mislead us and betray us, but Jesus never fails. It blows my mind to pray about something, to give it to God, to talk to Him and to ask for Him to be there and to open my eyes, and then see things begin to change with time. Everything works out divinely, and then I remember… “Hey, I was praying about that. That was God.” That is the God that we serve. That is the God that we adore. I dare you to be bold and trust Jesus, and wait, watch, and be amazed at what He does. That is God, the only God. And He is reaching down to us, wanting us. How could we refuse?